We’re excited to share that HT Médica has performed a validation of our AI-driven tool to assist radiologist in the early detection of lesions in the pancreas, liver, and kidneys.
In this project, our software uses automated processing of CT scans to identify early-stage lesions in these organs. The exponential increase in abdominal imaging is significantly advancing the identification, characterization, staging, and surgical evaluation of incidental abdominal lesions. This project shows our dedication to improving the scientific and technical basis of early cancer detection, as well as offering a game-changing solution in medical imaging.
We’re also pleased to share that a scientific publication detailing the first results will be released soon, providing further insights into the tool's performance and potential impact on diagnostic imaging.
The EU (NextGenerationEU) and Red.es have co-financed HT Medica's project.
Proyecto cofinanciado por la Unión Europea (NextGenerationEU) a través de la Entidad Pública Empresarial Red.es (Secretaría de Estado de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial, Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital) en el marco de la Convocatoria de ayudas 2021 destinadas a proyectos de investigación y desarrollo en inteligencia artificial y otras tecnologías digitales y su integración en las cadenas de valor C005/21-ED, con número de expediente 2021/C005/00153960